"Ben has such a natural love for exploration and learning, which he brings to every facet of his life. It makes him an excellent storyteller, instructor and sales professional..."- more about Ben

"To have a front row seat to the next small step in the evolution of how our species communicates" ....- more about my journey, including Vercel.

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Experimental playlist

The below playlist is open to contributions from visitors to this site. Hopefully it should make for some interesting listening, and to discover some great new tracks.

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Storyus® : the Slow Social platform

Storyus® is the Slow Social family-friendly collaborative storytelling platform, which puts you in control of how your story is told. No ‘likes’ ♥. No public follower counts. No Adverts. You ‘own’ your story and can decide what was important, and how best to share it.

Visit Storyus

Storyus, the Slow Social platform

Haktive : Health Active Kids

As well as being an early investor, I also provide technical oversight, to many aspects of this incredible initiative whose goal is to get more children and their families to be active.

Visit Haktive

Haktive by Emma Seymour

The One Show

Paul Johnson (my Dad) had his ‘5 minutes of fame’ when he appeared on The One Show in December 2017. With around 5 million viewer it was an amazing opportunity for people to learn about ‘Paper Engineering’ and for his ‘pop-up books’ to be showcased to a national audience.

Visit Bookart Originals

Dr Paul Johnson interviewed on The One Show

Practical Responsive Images

This pocket guide considers the cost and value of images, reviews image formats and historic practices, and explores some of the new features and tools available to us, such that we can be in a position to undertake a practical approach to responsive images.

Visit the PRI site

Practical Responsive Images eBook, published by Ben Seymour

First Quote:

You can't live at all, unless you live fully now.