How to measure the Sales Engineers

“Not everything that matters can be measured and not everything that can be measured matters.” Albert Einstein

However, it is also hard to manage what you don't measure : my 2015 article

For an SE, there are at least some things which are easy to measure :

Direct Revenue - supporting AE’s on deals for new business and growth:

Indirect Revenue

Additional contributions to the organisation capabilities

Successful achievement of direct revenue support (preferably recurring), justifies and enables the continued support of, and investment in, the team by the larger organisation.

Achievement of succesful customer onboarding, and the realisation of expected benefits and value, is the start of the path to the true compound value accumulation in subscription based businesses (inc. SaaS) and that point where a customer signs up for a second year is where we get the true measure of the effectiveness of all of the teams across the organisation as a whole.

The broader indirect value enables us to contribute in ever more ways to the overall organisaitonal effectiveness, and also allows greater scope for the growth and development of the individual members of the SE team, such as writing blog posts, presenting webinars, submitting RFCs into codebases, open and explorative projects which may uncover valueable new demo potential.